Sunday, 30 October 2011

particle collision...!!

According to my back of the envelope calculations, a Saturn V Rocket requires 100 gigajoules of energy to reach orbit. A Saturn V Rocket weighs about 3,350 tons, which works out to about 30 megajoules per ton. Each magnet in the Large Hadron collider holds a little less than 10 megajoules of energy and weighs about ten tons. Therefore, perhaps we could assume that the power required to launch one of these magnets into orbit would be 300 megajoules. In total, the Large Hadron Collider produces 10 gigajoules of energy. 

We know that when a rocket is travelling through space it does so with its engines shut down. It coasts and maintains its velocity because it has ‘conserved momentum'. Given the equivalence that exists between energy and mass, Einstein would refer to this ‘conserved momentum' as the ‘relativistic mass' of an object, since an increase in conserved energy translates into an increase in relative mass of an object. The faster an object is travelling, the greater becomes its mass, and ever increasing energy is required to accelerate this increasing mass. We must ask why it is that an increase in the energetic density of an object translates into acceleration and an increase in velocity, and this leads us to conclude that ‘the empty vacuum of space' does not exist, but rather than the universe must consist of a gigantic energy field and that objects are in motion in this energy field for the same reason that objects are in motion within any magnetic field. We know that the energy represented by this ‘conserved momentum' cannot be stored within an atom, for then the result would be ‘ionization' (as the energy level of the atom increases it comes apart at the seams and hurls out over-energetic electrons). Therefore it must be the case that all momentum is conserved in the magnetic field (the field energy surrounding all objects including atoms).

The Collider consists of 1,200 magnets and these magnets store 10 Gigajoules of energy, and so therefore each individual magnet must store a little under 10 megajoules of energy. It is interesting to note that in the pictures of the damage suffered by the Large Hadron Collider, there is clear evidence of upward momentum. The magnets that tore loose from their moorings moved up. 

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According to the Unified Field Theory I have been proposing, all ‘momentum' must be stored within a magnetic field, because there isn't any other obvious place to store such momentum. Therefore it must be true that if an object generates a magnetic field of sufficient strength, it should begin to move within a gravitational field, since the Unified Field Theory holds that a gravitational field is actually a magnetic field ‘in disguise' The purpose of a magnetic field is to create a perfectly even distribution of energy (a smooth featureless grey) but this purpose is frustrated by atoms, which are treated as units of energy which need to be ‘sorted' by the magnetic field, but resist sorting because atoms are packets of energy that cannot be broken up. As atoms attempt to move to the area of the field where their energy level requires them to be, they are prevented from moving by debris which is also attempting to fall downward to the correct level in the field and the result is a perpetually frustrated falling motion which we interpret as ‘gravity'.

As the energy level of the magnet increases it cannot fall down, because this would result in an increase in the energetic density of the field, and therefore the only solution is for the magnet to pushed up (a magnetic field has increasing density closer to the center of the field and the lines of flux indicate a decreasing density of field energy as distance from the center of the field increases). Since the function of a magnetic field is to create a smooth and even energetic density, moving an energetically dense object down in the field represents a forbidden energy state and therefore the only possible motion is upwards towards a region of decreasing density.

It would take 300 megajoules to put one of those magnets into orbit, according to this hypothesis, but perhaps 10 megajoules would be adequate to cause the magnet to rise a few feet. If this hypothesis proves to be correct then it would turn out that the Large Hadron Collider would never be able to function in manner to fulfill its original purpose, but instead would turn out to be an experiment which verified the Unified Field Theory. If this was true we should expect the Collider to continue to malfunction and suffer damage, since it turns out that the Collider was designed to specifications based upon faulty physics, and thus served instead as an unintended experiment to test the hypothesis of the Unified Field Theory. 

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The Collider is scheduled to come back on line in July of 2009, with improvements designed to dump energy out of the interconnects. It would also be interesting to include sensors designed to detect ‘upward momentum', although this is unlikely to be something that will be done at the present time, since this idea is currently outside the bounds of conventional physics, and it would require further breakage of the device before the idea of testing this hypothesis is given serious consideration.

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